How do I withdraw my money out of my investment portfolio?

  • Funds can be transferred from the Invest module back to your Parent Wallet or to Spending, Savings, or Giving in your child’s dashboard.
  • If you would like to transfer any money that is currently invested in stocks or ETFs within your ‘Investing for Parents’ or ‘Investing for Kids’ portfolios,  those securities must be sold before the money can be withdrawn from your Invest module.

To sell you or your child’s investments:

  1. Navigate to your or your child’s Invest Module by tapping the ‘Investing’ tile on your dashboard or your child’s dashboard. Your ‘Investing for Parents’ tile can be found on your Family dashboard.
  2. Tap the stock or ETF that you would like to sell.
  3. Tap the ‘Sell’ button.
  4. Indicate how much you would like to sell.
  5. Tap ‘Review Order’. 
  6. Review your order and tap ‘Place Order’. 
  7. Once sold, the funds from the sale will move into your child’s ‘Cash to Invest’ balance (if sold within their ‘Investing for Kids’ module) or into your ‘Cash to Invest’ balance (if sold within the primary parents’ ‘Investing for Parents’ module.)

To transfer funds from your child’s Investing for Kids ‘Cash to Invest’ to Parent Wallet, Savings, Spending, or Giving:

  1. Navigate to your child’s Invest Module by tapping the ‘Investing’ tile on their dashboard.
  2. Tap the ‘Cash to Invest’ tile.
  3. Tap ‘Move $ Out’.
  4. Select or input the amount you would like to transfer.
  5. Select the destination for the Cash to Invest funds.
  6. Tap ‘Move Money’.

Learn how to transfer funds back to your original funding source here


In some app versions+, you will find the ‘Invest’ tile in the ‘Accounts’ tab: 

To sell your personal investments: 

  1. Tap on the ‘Accounts’ tab at the bottom of the screen. 
  2. From there, navigate to your Invest homepage by tapping into the ‘Investing for Parents’ tile.
  3. Tap the stock or ETF that you would like to sell.
  4. Tap the ‘Sell’ button.
  5. Indicate how much you would like to sell.
  6. Tap ‘Review Order’. 
  7. Review your order and tap ‘Place Order’. 
  8. Once sold, the funds from the sale will move into your child’s ‘Cash to Invest’ balance (if sold within their ‘Investing for kids’ module) or into your ‘Cash to Invest’ balance (if sold within the primary parents’ ‘Investing for Parents’ module.) 


To transfer funds from your child’s Investing for Kids ‘Cash to Invest’ to Parent Wallet, Savings, Spending, or Giving:

  1. Tap on the ‘Accounts’ tab at the bottom of the screen. 
  2. From there, navigate to your Invest homepage by tapping into the ‘Investing’ tile.
  3. Tap the ‘Cash to Invest’ tile.
  4. Tap ‘Move $ Out’.
  5. Select or input the amount you would like to transfer.
  6. Select the destination for the Cash to Invest funds.
  7. Tap ‘Move Money’.

+ App Versions 5.35 or newer



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