How do I activate my child's Greenlight card?

When your child's card arrives, follow these simple steps to activate it right away:

  1. Open your Greenlight app. From your Parent Dashboard, you should see a notification prompting you to activate your child’s card.
  2. Tap on the notification and input the card's CVV and expiration date in the app to activate it.
  3.  Next you will be prompted to enter a PIN for your child. If you are not prompted to set a PIN, this can be done by selecting “Reset debit pin” under “Manage *child’s name*'s card”
  4. After the PIN is set, your physical card is activated and ready to use! 

Don’t see a notification? Activating a replacement card because yours is damaged or expired?

  1. Navigate to your child’s dashboard.
  2. Tap “Manage *child’s name*’s card” to open their card management page.
  3. Select "Activate a new card", and you will be prompted to enter the CVV and expiration date of your child’s Greenlight card to activate it.
  4.  Select “Reset debit pin” to activate the physical card if a PIN has not yet been set for the child.

If you still have further questions please either:

Text us at 404-974-3024


Call us at 888-483-2645

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