Can I remove or delete a chore from my child's chores dashboard?

Absolutely! The Parent or Approver can delete any chore or job for a specific child. 

How to delete a chore:

  1. Navigate to the child's dashboard
  2. Tap on the section titled ‘Chores’
    • In some app versions+, find the ‘Chores’ tab at the bottom of the screen
      +App Versions 5.35 or newer
  1. Tap on the chore you would like to remove
  2. Select ‘Delete chore’ on the fly-up screen to remove the chosen chore

How to delete a job:

  1. Navigate to the child's dashboard
  2. Tap on the section titled ‘Jobs’
    • In some app versions+, find the ‘Chores’ tab at the bottom of the screen
      +App Versions 5.35 or newer
  1. From there, you will see a list of Jobs 
  2. Tap on the job you would like to remove
  3. Select ‘Delete job’ on the fly up screen to remove the chosen job


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