How do I update my account information?

How do I update my email address?

Updating the parent email address is easy and can be found in the settings under the profile option of the parent Greenlight app. If you do not have your app security enabled, you will be prompted to enter your password before updating your email address.

Why can't I update my address?

There are some requirements that must be met in order to update your address within the Greenlight app. Guidelines set by our issuing bank do require that each customer must be registered with Greenlight for a certain amount of time before an address can be manually updated.

If you need assistance updating your address please reach out to our customer service team at 888-483-2645, and we will be happy to take care of it for you! 

We ask that you contact us directly to update your account information to ensure the security of your account and to protect your identity, as we want to be sure that the information we are updating is secure and links back to you directly.


If you still have further questions please Call us at 888-483-2645

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