How can I reactivate my Greenlight account?

We hope you are considering coming back! We have made the process of reactivating your account seamless and easy for you. The parent/account owner will need to: 

  1. Open the Greenlight app and sign in with your login credentials.
  2. Tap “Reactivate account” to request for your account be reactivated.
  3. Verify your identity.
  4. If needed, you can also request new Greenlight cards be shipped to you. 

Once you complete this process, please give our team up to 48 hours to reactivate your account. You should receive a follow up email once your account was reactivated. 

Not seeing an option in your app to reactivate? Make sure you are on the newest version of the Greenlight app. You can also click here to reach out to our team and we would be happy to help.


If you still have further questions please either:

Text us at 404-974-3024


Call us at 888-483-2645

Have more questions? Submit a request



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