You can choose to auto-invest your cash back or make a one-time investment. If you haven’t already set up your Investing for Parent’s profile, you’ll be prompted to do so as you’re setting up your redemption as an investment.
To get to the option to auto-invest:
- Navigate to the cash back redemptions page from your rewards hub
- Choose ‘Automatically invest rewards’ to auto-invest your rewards or ‘One-time investment’
- If this is your first time investing as a parent with Greenlight, you’ll be prompted to answer some risk and compliance questions and to accept our Investment terms and conditions. If you’ve already invested as a parent with Greenlight before, you’ll skip this step.
- View your recommended investment fund. Or, view other options by clicking ‘View other options’.
- Choose the investment you’d like to purchase with your cash rewards.
- Confirm your investment.
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