(If you are looking for how to get started with the investing feature, click here for our quick get started guide.)
Our Invest feature includes “Investing for Parents”( available on "Greenlight Infinity", “Greenlight Max” and “Greenlight + Invest” plans) and “Investing for Parents Lite” (available on “Greenlight Core” plans), an investing account just for parents to invest for their kids’ futures, and “Investing for Kids” (available on "Greenlight Infinity", “Greenlight Max” and “Greenlight + Invest” plans) , an educational investing account for kids that allows kids to research, monitor, and request to trade real stocks and ETFs on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ.
For "Investing for Parents Lite", “Investing for Parents”, and “Investing for Kids”, the Primary Accountholder is the individual placing all trades (including those requested by their kids within “Investing for Kids”) and is responsible for all taxes associated with these securities.
With “Investing for Kids”, Greenlight kids can suggest to make investments in their recommended ETF (provided through their Invest Profile), or in a portfolio built from stocks and ETFs they have researched. All trades must be placed by the parent within the Greenlight app before the trade is executed.
After the Primary Parent has placed a kid’s suggested trade, kids can track these investments within their “Investing for Kids” module on their Greenlight app and learn from the usual ups and downs of the stock market.
*Please note: All investing accounts set up within the Greenlight app are brokerage accounts in the Primary Accountholder’s name. For more information, click here.
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