How can my children see their chores and jobs?

Kids will need access to the Greenlight app by logging in with their username or phone number on their phone/tablet in order to view their chores list on their own.

Click here to learn how to set up a login for your child 

For kids to see their assigned chores:

  1. Open their Greenlight app and tap the ‘Chores’ tile in their dashboard 
  2. From there, they will be able to see their recurring chores by day.
  3. Once a chore has been completed, tap on the square to the left of the chore to mark it as complete.

Kids will receive notifications reminding them to complete their chores if they have not been marked complete before their scheduled due date.

Learn how to enable or disable chore reminders here 

For kids to see ‘Job’ options:

  1. Open their Greenlight app and tap the ‘Jobs’ tile in their dashboard 
  2. From there, they will be able to see any open jobs
  3. Once a job has been completed, they can tap on the square to the left of the job to mark it as complete 

Kids will receive notifications each time a Job is added to their list by their Parents.
Jobs do not get daily reminders as they are optional earning opportunities.

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